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Prayer at the death of Nelson Mandela
Prayer at the death of Nelson Mandela
by Andrew Pratt
This day we have witnessed a man for all nations, a man who was human, held fast what is right, for this he would live with profound resignation, he shone in the world, don't extinguish that light. And we who are human stand now in remembrance, frail shadows of all he has shown w
Hymn for Nelson Mandela
Hymn for Nelson Mandela
by Andrew Pratt
In the light of the death of Nelson Mandela you may wish to open the worship with a time of silent remembrance and this hymn. Equally this hymn might be used elsewhere in the service: This day we have witnessed a man for all nations, a man who was human, held fast what is right,
Meditation: God! We're brought up short!
Meditation: God! We're brought up short!
by Andrew Pratt
Meditation: God! We're brought up short! God! We're brought up short! So many heroes we might follow: footballers, X-Factor winners, Mahatma Ghandi or Nelson Mandela; a scientist or a politician. Who should we emulate? And is it worth it anyhow? Then we hear Elisha's story: This
A Dead Sect
A Dead Sect
by Roger Johnson
Evangelism Bulletin 266 – A Dead Sect? John Wesley famously said, ‘I am not afraid that the people called Methodists should ever cease to exist… But I am afraid lest they should only exist as a dead sect, having the form of religion without the power. And this undoubtedly will be
4 results